Thursday, October 2, 2008

The top 3 reasons why objective reality doesn't exist...

When defining "objective reality," we must consider the physical parameters of human being's 5 senses. That is to say, "objective reality" would not include thought/consciousness and/or the "sixth sense," but only our literal perception of physical substances. The evidence against the existence of objective reality is insurmountable. My criteria for judging the top three reasons why are as follows:
-persuasiveness of argument
-use of logic (or lack of logic, used in a persuasive manner)
-proof of theory
-belief by respected scientists

The odds stacked against existence, and here are my top three reasons why:

3. Math: Why in the world do we deal with "imaginary numbers" to predict events and prove theories if, by definition, they do not exist?
One very common mathematical equation is:
pi ^ei + 1 = 0
Not only is pi (3.14159...) an imaginary number, but e (2.71828...) and i (the square root of negative one) also do not exist. This equation is used in proving exponential functions, and given the fact that it cannot in itself exist, we can assume that none of the equations it proves exist, and therefore exponential functions themselves DO NOT EXIST.
Also, pi is used very commonly for trigonometry, and, using the same principle as above, we can easily say that trigonomic functions do not exist, and therefore triangles DO NOT EXIST.
If triangles do not exist, it is impossible to prove the existence of squares, because the bisection of a square into two triangles is impossible. And, if we assume that squares do not exist (as proved above) We can therefore assume that any objects of square or triangular nature (eg. houses, comuter screens, etc.) DO NOT EXIST!
This theory has been proven by the entire mathematical department of Area 51, and is strongly backed by NASA.

2. Philosophy: It could all just be a big trick, and how would you know?
If reality were a rabbit being pulled out of a magician's hat, Philosophers would be the ones to climb up from the comfortable roots of the hair to their tips, and attempt to stare the magician right in the eye. The real question is, who is pulling the magician's strings? Reality could very easily be a matrix, and we could all be controlled by robots. It is the belief of Dr. Raymond Fitzgerald, PhD, that the hit blockbuster movie, The Matrix, is a documentary of actual existence put forth by the government to appear as fiction, so that general society will never believe it exists.

1. Science: It is impossible to disprove anything.
This one is self explanatory. Just try it yourself!

As you can see, it is obvious that proof of existence is FUTILE!

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